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Creo que conocer a otros es un regalo y todos tenemos algo valioso que enseñar si somos lo suficientemente humildes para aprender.
Soy la compañía perfecta para cenas, escapadas de vacaciones, viajes de negocios o eventos corporativos. Encarnando encanto y carisma, me relaciono maravillosamente en espacios sociales, así como uno a uno contigo. La conexión intelectual y mental realza lo físico; Inteligente, actual sobre los asuntos mundiales e infinitamente curioso, soy fácil de conversar y vincularme con

Podemos empezar con un poco de vino, champán y establecer una conexión antes de la acción, o podemos ir directamente a la acción.

I’m a bisexual, twenties year old, boy from Russia traveling around the world.

Even though I’m specialized in the strange. I’m not closed to more conventional ways of escorting. I enjoy it very much too.


I also understand that the conventional can be a first step in the journey towards exploring the strange. And most of the time I advice new clients to start with a more conventional encounter.


It’s from what we know –the porn-like, the stereotypical, the basic– that we can walk towards what we don’t know –the new, the hidden, and all that beyond.

I believe sex is great, and that we through sex can encounter ourselves and each other in fantastic and even life changing ways.


Being part of a clients journey in discovering their true desires and hidden (sometimes tabooed) fantasies gives me a kick.


Facilitating a moment of true self discovery and erotic self realisation, does not only help the client in feeling pleasure, fulfillment and happiness; it also make me happy and helps me in further understanding who I am and what I like.

Contact details:

* Plz only write me on one app. Give me time to answer. I'm independent, I'm only one person and it takes time to manage everything.


* I never answer SMS/Texts, messages on Instagram or Twitter/X. I don't answer phone calls or video calls unless they are payed for in advance.

* If you e-mail me. Remember to add me to your contacts otherwise it's likely that my replies will be filtered away by your e-mail provider due to the nature of our writing. 


+7 9295969033​​​



+971 56 598 2051


windyhells (at)

windyhellbooking (at)


Fansly: Windyhell

Twitter / X:windy_hell

Instagram: windyhell 

PLEASE include the following information in your first message:

  • What city

  • What date and time (several suggestions are appreciated)

  • What site you found me on (Tryst, Euro, Escorta, Massagerepublic, etc.)

  • What you would like to do, specify and describe as good as you can. If you don’t know or are open to a lot of things we will discuss it when we meet

  • How you can guarantee the date and how you can verify that you are a serious and safe client (in this business sadly someones word is not enough)​


Attaching a picture of yourself –face or body– is always something that creates a good and serious impression. It’s not required but it will make your request stand out.


If you follow me on Fansly, please state your Fansly name and I’ll give you some priority if you have been supporting me for a while. 

When contacting me put a little effort into the message you are sending. Don’t write just ”hi” or ”fuck?” or ”are you free?”



You can write something like this:

I saw your add on Eurogirls and your website and I was fascinated by your thoughts on sex and by your beauty.


I’m Chris, I live in London but I’m coming to Berlin next week-end, and I wonder if you would like to go come to my hotel for dinner and some fun, for a 3 hours booking on Friday or Saturday?

I’m interested in vaginal, anal and oral sex. I’m 35 years old and 180 cm.

Looking forward to hear from you!




Necesito un depósito de $100 para asegurar nuestra fecha, pagado mediante Bitcoin, que cuenta para tu reserva. No acepto ningún otro pago electrónico. Agregue un 10 % de Bitcoin para cubrir las tarifas y le proporcionaré una dirección nueva.


Acepto el saldo únicamente mediante transferencia en efectivo o bitcoin. Tenga en cuenta que las transacciones de bitcoins para fechas de menos de 24 horas de duración deben realizarse antes de la fecha de inicio, ya que las transferencias pueden demorar hasta una hora.

Condiciones de cancelación

Las cancelaciones dentro de las 48 horas permitirán una posibilidad de reprogramación. Las fechas canceladas con menos de 24 horas de antelación al inicio de la fecha perderán el depósito y exigirán el saldo adeudado.

En el raro caso de que cancele una fecha, su depósito le será devuelto dentro de las 48 horas mediante el mismo método pagado.


En el raro caso de que cancele una fecha, su depósito le será devuelto dentro de las 48 horas mediante el mismo método pagado.

Atención: sólo es posible el sexo oral sin condón.



Body Type: 90-68-91, natural with no cosmetic procedures, without tattoos and piercings

Age: Early twenties

Hair Color: Long, dark brown

Eye Color: Blue

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