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My name is Sandro – and this is my site for exploring sex, porn and intimacy in new ways.

I’m a professional sex worker, escort and model who genuinely loves the strange and kinky.

On this site I will explain more about who I am and how I work, what kind of services I offer and how you can contact me in a serious way

I'm fascinated by the strange and the obscene.

I'm fascinated by the magical and spiritual.

I'm fascinated by the intensity of discovering sexual lusts in new ways and through innovative means.

There's no proposal or suggestion to strange for me. Maybe I won't be the right escort for it, but I'm happy to talk with you about it. We could tap a bathtub full of bubbles and discuss the matter while sipping on something sweet.

Some fantasies only needs to be talked about in order to feel fulfilled, while some needs a conversation before being realized properly.

I’m a bisexual, twenties year old, boy from Russia traveling around the world.

Even though I’m specialized in the strange. I’m not closed to more conventional ways of escorting. I enjoy it very much too.


I also understand that the conventional can be a first step in the journey towards exploring the strange. And most of the time I advice new clients to start with a more conventional encounter.


It’s from what we know –the porn-like, the stereotypical, the basic– that we can walk towards what we don’t know –the new, the hidden, and all that beyond.

I believe sex is great, and that we through sex can encounter ourselves and each other in fantastic and even life changing ways.


Being part of a clients journey in discovering their true desires and hidden (sometimes tabooed) fantasies gives me a kick.


Facilitating a moment of true self discovery and erotic self realisation, does not only help the client in feeling pleasure, fulfillment and happiness; it also make me happy and helps me in further understanding who I am and what I like.

Contact details:

* Plz only write me on one app. Give me time to answer. I'm independent, I'm only one person and it takes time to manage everything.


* I never answer SMS/Texts, messages on Instagram or Twitter/X. I don't answer phone calls or video calls unless they are payed for in advance.

* If you e-mail me. Remember to add me to your contacts otherwise it's likely that my replies will be filtered away by your e-mail provider due to the nature of our writing. 


+7 9295969033​​​



+971 56 598 2051


windyhells (at)

windyhellbooking (at)


Fansly: Windyhell

Twitter / X:windy_hell

Instagram: windyhell 

PLEASE include the following information in your first message:

  • What city

  • What date and time (several suggestions are appreciated)

  • What site you found me on (Tryst, Euro, Escorta, Massagerepublic, etc.)

  • What you would like to do, specify and describe as good as you can. If you don’t know or are open to a lot of things we will discuss it when we meet

  • How you can guarantee the date and how you can verify that you are a serious and safe client (in this business sadly someones word is not enough)​


Attaching a picture of yourself –face or body– is always something that creates a good and serious impression. It’s not required but it will make your request stand out.


If you follow me on Fansly, please state your Fansly name and I’ll give you some priority if you have been supporting me for a while. 

When contacting me put a little effort into the message you are sending. Don’t write just ”hi” or ”fuck?” or ”are you free?”



You can write something like this:

I saw your add on Eurogirls and your website and I was fascinated by your thoughts on sex and by your beauty.


I’m Chris, I live in London but I’m coming to Berlin next week-end, and I wonder if you would like to go come to my hotel for dinner and some fun, for a 3 hours booking on Friday or Saturday?

I’m interested in vaginal, anal and oral sex. I’m 35 years old and 180 cm.

Looking forward to hear from you!




I require a $100 deposit to secure our date, paid via Bitcoin, which counts towards your booking. I do not accept any other electronic payments. Please add 10% for Bitcoin to cover fees and I will provide you with a fresh address. 


I accept the balance via cash or bitcoin transfer only. Please note, bitcoin transactions for dates less than 24 hours in length must be made prior to the date beginning as transfers can take up to an hour. 

Cancellation Terms

Cancellations within 48 hours will allow one rescheduling possibility. Dates cancelled fewer than 24 hours before the start of the date forfeit the deposit and require the balance due. 

In the rare occurrence that I cancel a date, your deposit will be returned to you within 48 hours via the same method paid.


Air travel deposits are nonrefundable.


In the rare occurrence that I cancel a date, your deposit will be returned to you within 48 hours via the same method paid.

Attention: only oral sex is possible without a condom



Body Type: 90-68-91, natural with no cosmetic procedures, without tattoos and piercings

Age: Early twenties

Hair Color: Long, dark brown

Eye Color: Blue

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